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The CreateResponseWithSources Block is used to generate an API response that includes both the content and associated sources. This is particularly useful when you want to return content along with references to the sources from which the information was derived.

This Block ensures that sources are appropriately formatted, allowing them to be provided either as a list of Source objects or as a single URI string.



  • Category: Misc

Configuration Options

No configuration options available.


Name Data Type Description
content Any
sources list[Source] or str or Constant(value=None)


Name Data Type Description
response ApiResponse

State Variables

No state variables available.


Example 1: Create a response with a list of sources

  • Create a CreateResponseWithSources Block.
  • Provide content such as "Here is the summary of the report." and a list of sources: [Source(index=1, uri=""), Source(index=2, uri="")].
  • The Block will emit an API response containing the content and the list of sources.

Example 2: Create a response with a single source URI

  • Set up a CreateResponseWithSources Block.
  • Provide content: "This is the generated content." and a single source URI: "".
  • The Block will convert the URI into a Source object and output the response with the source.

Example 3: Create a response without any sources

  • Create a CreateResponseWithSources Block.
  • Provide content: "Content without sources." and no sources.
  • The Block will output the content with an empty sources array.

Error Handling

  • If the sources input is a string, the Block will automatically convert it into a Source object with the default index of 1.
  • If no sources are provided, the Block will send an empty list as the sources field in the response.


What happens if I provide a string instead of a list of sources?

If a single string is provided, the Block will convert the string into a Source object with an index of 1 and include it in the response.

Can I create a response without any sources?

Yes, if no sources are provided, the Block will generate a response with an empty list for the sources field.

Does this Block handle non-string content?

Yes, the Block automatically converts non-string content (e.g., dictionaries) into a JSON string using json.dumps() before sending it in the response.