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The SQL Block executes asynchronous SQL queries on a database using SQLAlchemy. This Block supports all SQL query types, including SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. For data-modifying queries (such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE), the transaction is automatically committed. If the initial database connection fails (e.g., due to the database being unavailable), the Block will attempt one reconnection before raising an error.

This Block is useful for applications that need to interact with relational databases, allowing for flexible querying and data manipulation using SQL.

Key Features:

  • Supports a wide range of SQL query types.
  • Retries database connection once if it fails initially.
  • Supports typed parameters and parameterized queries.
  • Returns data for SELECT queries or affected row counts for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.


Executes an asynchronous SQL query on a database using SQLAlchemy. Supports all types of queries, including SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. For data-modifying queries (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), the block commits the transaction. If the database connection fails (e.g., because the database isn't running yet), the block will retry the connection once before raising an error. The connection string should be provided in a format compatible with SQLAlchemy's create_async_engine, such as 'mssql+aioodbc://username:password@host:port/dbname?driver=ODBC+Driver+18+for+SQL+Server&TrustServerCertificate=yes'.


  • Category: Data

Configuration Options

Name Data Type Description Default Value
connection_string str
query str


Name Data Type Description
**params None


Name Data Type Description
result Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], int]

State Variables

No state variables available.


Example 1: Perform a SELECT query

  • Create an SQL Block.
  • Set the connection_string to connect to your database.
  • Set the query to SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id = :department_id.
  • Provide the parameter department_id=10.
  • The Block will return the rows from the employees table where department_id is 10.

Example 2: Execute an INSERT query

  • Set up an SQL Block.
  • Use the connection_string to connect to your database.
  • Set the query to INSERT INTO employees (name, department_id) VALUES (:name, :department_id).
  • Provide parameters name="John Doe" and department_id=10.
  • The Block will insert a new row into the employees table and return the number of rows affected.

Example 3: Update data with parameters

  • Configure an SQL Block.
  • Set the query to UPDATE employees SET salary = :salary WHERE employee_id = :employee_id.
  • Provide parameters salary=75000 and employee_id=123.
  • The Block will update the salary of the specified employee and return the count of rows updated.

Error Handling

  • If the database connection fails initially, the Block will retry the connection once before raising an error.
  • If required parameters are missing in the query, a ValueError will be raised, specifying the missing parameters.
  • The Block will raise an error if the SQL syntax is invalid.


What happens if the database connection fails?

The Block will attempt to reconnect once if the initial connection fails. If the reconnection also fails, it will raise a connection error.

Can I use complex parameter types?

Yes, the Block supports various parameter types including integers, strings, floats, booleans, and dates. If a parameter is a list or tuple, it will be treated as an expanding parameter for IN queries.

How does the Block handle different query types?

For SELECT queries, the Block returns rows as a list of dictionaries. For INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and similar queries, it returns the number of rows affected.

Can I use this Block with any SQL database?

The Block is compatible with databases supported by SQLAlchemy’s create_async_engine. Ensure that your connection_string is in the correct format for your specific database.